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If you’re planning to paint your home’s interior walls, then you’ll need to clean them first. Dirt, dust, and other debris can interfere with the paint’s ability to adhere to the surface, resulting in an uneven finish or paint that flakes and peels off over time. We’ll show you how to clean your walls before painting so that you get the best possible results.

Do You Need To Wash Or Clean Walls Before Painting? 

You should always clean your walls in preparation for painting. But the type of cleaning you’ll need to do depends on the condition of your walls and whether they’ve been painted before.

If your walls are new or have never been painted, then a simple washing with soap and water will suffice. For previously painted walls that are in good condition, you can get away with just dusting or vacuuming. However, if your walls are dirty or have been painted multiple times, then you’ll need to wash them with a mild detergent to remove any built-up grime.

Do Certain Types Of Walls Need Heavier Cleaning?

If your walls are grimy or have been painted multiple times, you’ll need to wash them with a mild detergent. This includes the walls in your kitchen and bathroom.

Bedroom And Living Room Walls

If your bedroom or living room walls are only lightly soiled, then you can cloth dust or vacuum them. However, if they’re significantly dirty, then you’ll need to wash them. The same goes for any walls that have been painted multiple times.

Kitchen Walls

Your kitchen walls are likely to be greasy, so you’ll need to wash them with a mild detergent to remove any built-up grime. The kitchen is also a good place to use a degreaser if your walls are particularly greasy.

Bathroom Walls

Your bathroom walls are also likely to be greasy, so you’ll need to wash them with a mild detergent as well. You may also want to use a mild bleach solution to remove any mold or mildew. The humidity in your bathroom can also cause mold and mildew to grow, so you’ll need to be sure to clean these surfaces as well.

What Are The Safest Chemicals To Use For Cleaning Walls?

When cleaning your walls in advance of painting, you’ll want to use safe chemicals. This includes a mild detergent, grease-cutting detergent, or bleach solution. You can also use trisodium phosphate (TSP) to clean your walls. However, TSP is a strong cleaning product and should be used with caution to wash walls.

Warm soapy water is the best solution to wash walls. Fill up soapy water into a bucket and use a damp sponge to gently rub the entire wall, you have to start from down to upward. Be sure to rinse the sponge frequently and wring it out well so that the suds don’t build up on the wall.

For tough stains, you can use a small amount of bleach in your soapy water. Bleach is particularly effective at removing mold and mildew. However, be sure to use it sparingly as it can damage the paint and another smooth surface if used too frequently.

You can also use a commercial wall cleaner. These cleaners are designed specifically for cleaning walls and other surfaces for a paint project.

Things To Do To Prep For Painting The Walls Of House

Choosing the paint color and paint type for your walls. When choosing a type of paint, you should consider the following:

The Surface You’re Painting

Not all paints are suitable for all surfaces. For example, oil-based paints are not recommended for use on metal or plastic surfaces, as they can cause them to rust or corrode.

The Environment

Some paints release toxins into the air, so you’ll need to choose a low-VOC or zero-VOC paint if you’re concerned about air quality.

The Type Of Finish You Want

There are various types of paint finishes, such as flat, matte, eggshell, and semi-gloss. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages, so you’ll need to decide which one is right for your needs.

Materials And Tools  Required For Prepping Walls For Paint

Once you’ve chosen a type of paint, you’ll need to gather the following materials and tools:

Mild Soap

The first step is to wash your walls with mild soap. This will remove any dirt or grease that could prevent the paint from adhering properly.

Painter’s Tape

This will help you create clean, straight lines when painting. The tape will also protect surfaces that you don’t want to paint.

Plastic Film

The plastic film will protect your floors and furniture from paint drips. You can also use it to cover electrical outlets and switch plates.

TSP Substitute

The TSP substitute will help remove any lingering soap residue. You can also use it to clean brushes and other painting tools.

M2-Gallon Pail

The pail will hold the paint and provide a place to mix it. This pail will be used to mix the TSP substitute and water.


The bucket will be used to hold the TSP substitute and water. You’ll also use it to rinse your painting tools.

Drop Cloth

The drop cloth will protect your floors from paint drips. This is particularly important if you’re painting over the carpet.

Paint Scraper

The paint scraper will help remove any loose paint or debris from the walls. You can also use it to remove outlet covers and switch plates.

Putty Knife

The putty knife will help fill in any cracks or holes in the walls. You can also use it to apply the TSP substitute to the walls.


The sandpaper will help smooth out any rough spots on the walls. This is particularly important if you’re painting over a textured surface.

Razor Blades

The razor blades will help remove any paint that has dripped on the plastic film. You should also use them to remove painter’s tape.


The slightly damp cellulose sponge will be used to apply the TSP substitute to the walls. You can also use a damp sponge to remove any excess paint from the walls. You can also use a damp cloth as a residual cleaning agent.

Vacuum Cleaner

The vacuum cleaner will help remove any dust or debris from the walls. This is particularly important if you’re painting over a textured surface.

Steps For Prepping Walls For Paint

Once you’ve gathered all the necessary materials and tools, you can begin prepping your walls for paint. The following steps will walk you through the process:

Step 1: Washing Walls

The first step is to wash your walls with mild soap. This will remove any dirt, excessive dust, or grease that could prevent the paint from adhering properly. Once you’ve finished washing the walls, you’ll need to apply a TSP substitute. This will help remove any lingering soap residue. You can also use it to clean brushes and other painting tools.

Step 2: Taping Off Surfaces

The next step is to tape off any surfaces that you don’t want to paint. This includes floors, furniture, and windows. You’ll also need to remove outlet covers and switch plates.

Step 3: Drop Cloths

Apply the drop cloths that will protect your floors from paint drips. This is particularly important if you’re painting over the carpet. However, you can also use drop cloths to protect furniture and other surfaces.

Step 4: Priming The Walls

The next step is to prime the walls. This will help the paint adhere to the walls and provide a better finish. You should use a water-based primer for best results. The primer should be applied with a roller or brush.

Step 5: Caulking

Apply caulk to any cracks or holes in the walls. This will help the paint adhere properly and prevent any leaks. So, if you’re painting over a textured surface, you’ll need to use sandpaper to smooth out the edges.

Step 6: Applying The Paint

Now it’s time to apply the fresh coat of paint. You should start with a small area and work your way out. Be sure to paint evenly to avoid any streaks. Once you’ve finished applying the paint, you’ll need to remove any excess with a sponge.


It is important to clean your walls to prepare walls for new paint, to achieve the best results. If you follow these steps of what you need to do to clean and prep walls for painting, you will be able to paint your walls with ease and achieve a professional finish. Get in touch with our team of professional painters today for the best result in a painting project.

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